Archive for February, 2013

Posted: February 3, 2013 in English, Feminism, Rants
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This is a blog post that really spoke to me, in many ways, not just in relation to the Butch/Femme discussion, which I really don’t feel like addressing right now, because I don’t considerer myself with enough knowledge to do a proper commentary.

I’m someone who struggles with her identity everyday. While I do like some thing that are considered “feminine” (in a sort-of arbitrary way, why things have to be categorized?) I always refused the feminine gender role assigned to me, trying to foolishly be just “myself”. Some people think that any woman or girl who doesn’t conform is less of a woman, is trying to be “one of the boys”, is just a “man with boobs”, is a “misogynist” , they simply can’t fathom the idea. I have been called  names again and again by supposed “feminists” and “allies”.

This may not have to do much with the discussion at hand, but I’m sick and tired of people complaining about women who just don’t care to perform, I’m sick of having to excuse myself because I simply don’t want to have kids or get married or even have a partner (Bitch! Woman-hater! Marriage is a natural female occupation didn’t you know?*).

Just need to get that off my chest.

*Yes, I once got into an argument with someone that apparently thinks that any woman who doesn’t care about marriage is a misogynist. Good times.